Source code for pyunlocbox.solvers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`pyunlocbox.solvers` module implements a solving function (which will
minimize your objective function) as well as common solvers.


Call :func:`solve` to solve your convex optimization problem using your
instantiated solver and functions objects.


The :class:`solver` base class defines a common interface to all solvers:

.. autosummary::



Then, derived classes implement various common solvers.

.. autosummary::


**Primal-dual solvers** (based on :class:`primal_dual`)

.. autosummary::


.. inheritance-diagram:: pyunlocbox.solvers
    :parts: 2


import time

import numpy as np

from pyunlocbox.functions import dummy, _prox_star
from pyunlocbox import acceleration

[docs]def solve(functions, x0, solver=None, atol=None, dtol=None, rtol=1e-3, xtol=None, maxit=200, verbosity='LOW'): r""" Solve an optimization problem whose objective function is the sum of some convex functions. This function minimizes the objective function :math:`f(x) = \sum\limits_{k=0}^{k=K} f_k(x)`, i.e. solves :math:`\operatorname{arg\,min}\limits_x f(x)` for :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times N}` where :math:`n` is the dimensionality of the data and :math:`N` the number of independent problems. It returns a dictionary with the found solution and some informations about the algorithm execution. Parameters ---------- functions : list of objects A list of convex functions to minimize. These are objects who must implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.eval` method. The :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.grad` and / or :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.prox` methods are required by some solvers. Note also that some solvers can only handle two convex functions while others may handle more. Please refer to the documentation of the considered solver. x0 : array_like Starting point of the algorithm, :math:`x_0 \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times N}`. Note that if you pass a numpy array it will be modified in place during execution to save memory. It will then contain the solution. Be careful to pass data of the type (int, float32, float64) you want your computations to use. solver : solver class instance, optional The solver algorithm. It is an object who must inherit from :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solver` and implement the :meth:`_pre`, :meth:`_algo` and :meth:`_post` methods. If no solver object are provided, a standard one will be chosen given the number of convex function objects and their implemented methods. atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance stopping criterion. The algorithm stops when :math:`f(x^t) < atol` where :math:`f(x^t)` is the objective function at iteration :math:`t`. Default is None. dtol : float, optional Stop when the objective function is stable enough, i.e. when :math:`\left|f(x^t) - f(x^{t-1})\right| < dtol`. Default is None. rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance stopping criterion. The algorithm stops when :math:`\left|\frac{ f(x^t) - f(x^{t-1}) }{ f(x^t) }\right| < rtol`. Default is :math:`10^{-3}`. xtol : float, optional Stop when the variable is stable enough, i.e. when :math:`\frac{\|x^t - x^{t-1}\|_2}{\sqrt{n N}} < xtol`. Note that additional memory will be used to store :math:`x^{t-1}`. Default is None. maxit : int, optional The maximum number of iterations. Default is 200. verbosity : {'NONE', 'LOW', 'HIGH', 'ALL'}, optional The log level : ``'NONE'`` for no log, ``'LOW'`` for resume at convergence, ``'HIGH'`` for info at all solving steps, ``'ALL'`` for all possible outputs, including at each steps of the proximal operators computation. Default is ``'LOW'``. Returns ------- sol : ndarray The problem solution. solver : str The used solver. crit : {'ATOL', 'DTOL', 'RTOL', 'XTOL', 'MAXIT'} The used stopping criterion. See above for definitions. niter : int The number of iterations. time : float The execution time in seconds. objective : ndarray The successive evaluations of the objective function at each iteration. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import functions, solvers Define a problem: >>> y = [4, 5, 6, 7] >>> f = functions.norm_l2(y=y) Solve it: >>> x0 = np.zeros(len(y)) >>> ret = solvers.solve([f], x0, atol=1e-2, verbosity='ALL') INFO: Dummy objective function added. INFO: Selected solver: forward_backward norm_l2 evaluation: 1.260000e+02 dummy evaluation: 0.000000e+00 INFO: Forward-backward method Iteration 1 of forward_backward: norm_l2 evaluation: 1.400000e+01 dummy evaluation: 0.000000e+00 objective = 1.40e+01 Iteration 2 of forward_backward: norm_l2 evaluation: 2.963739e-01 dummy evaluation: 0.000000e+00 objective = 2.96e-01 Iteration 3 of forward_backward: norm_l2 evaluation: 7.902529e-02 dummy evaluation: 0.000000e+00 objective = 7.90e-02 Iteration 4 of forward_backward: norm_l2 evaluation: 5.752265e-02 dummy evaluation: 0.000000e+00 objective = 5.75e-02 Iteration 5 of forward_backward: norm_l2 evaluation: 5.142032e-03 dummy evaluation: 0.000000e+00 objective = 5.14e-03 Solution found after 5 iterations: objective function f(sol) = 5.142032e-03 stopping criterion: ATOL Verify the stopping criterion (should be smaller than atol=1e-2): >>> np.linalg.norm(ret['sol'] - y)**2 # doctest:+ELLIPSIS 0.00514203... Show the solution (should be close to y w.r.t. the L2-norm measure): >>> ret['sol'] array([ 4.02555301, 5.03194126, 6.03832952, 7.04471777]) Show the used solver: >>> ret['solver'] 'forward_backward' Show some information about the convergence: >>> ret['crit'] 'ATOL' >>> ret['niter'] 5 >>> ret['time'] # doctest:+SKIP 0.0012578964233398438 >>> ret['objective'] # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE,+ELLIPSIS [[126.0, 0], [13.99999999..., 0], [0.29637392..., 0], [0.07902528..., 0], [0.05752265..., 0], [0.00514203..., 0]] """ if verbosity not in ['NONE', 'LOW', 'HIGH', 'ALL']: raise ValueError('Verbosity should be either NONE, LOW, HIGH or ALL.') # Add a second dummy convex function if only one function is provided. if len(functions) < 1: raise ValueError('At least 1 convex function should be provided.') elif len(functions) == 1: functions.append(dummy()) if verbosity in ['LOW', 'HIGH', 'ALL']: print('INFO: Dummy objective function added.') # Choose a solver if none provided. if not solver: if len(functions) == 2: fb0 = 'GRAD' in functions[0].cap(x0) and \ 'PROX' in functions[1].cap(x0) fb1 = 'GRAD' in functions[1].cap(x0) and \ 'PROX' in functions[0].cap(x0) dg0 = 'PROX' in functions[0].cap(x0) and \ 'PROX' in functions[1].cap(x0) if fb0 or fb1: solver = forward_backward() # Need one prox and 1 grad. elif dg0: solver = douglas_rachford() # Need two prox. else: raise ValueError('No suitable solver for the given functions.') elif len(functions) > 2: solver = generalized_forward_backward() if verbosity in ['LOW', 'HIGH', 'ALL']: name = solver.__class__.__name__ print('INFO: Selected solver: {}'.format(name)) # Set solver and functions verbosity. translation = {'ALL': 'HIGH', 'HIGH': 'HIGH', 'LOW': 'LOW', 'NONE': 'NONE'} solver.verbosity = translation[verbosity] translation = {'ALL': 'HIGH', 'HIGH': 'LOW', 'LOW': 'NONE', 'NONE': 'NONE'} functions_verbosity = [] for f in functions: functions_verbosity.append(f.verbosity) f.verbosity = translation[verbosity] tstart = time.time() crit = None niter = 0 objective = [[f.eval(x0) for f in functions]] rtol_only_zeros = True # Solver specific initialization. solver.pre(functions, x0) while not crit: niter += 1 if xtol is not None: last_sol = np.array(solver.sol, copy=True) if verbosity in ['HIGH', 'ALL']: name = solver.__class__.__name__ print('Iteration {} of {}:'.format(niter, name)) # Solver iterative algorithm. solver.algo(objective, niter) objective.append([f.eval(solver.sol) for f in functions]) current = np.sum(objective[-1]) last = np.sum(objective[-2]) # Verify stopping criteria. if atol is not None and current < atol: crit = 'ATOL' if dtol is not None and np.abs(current - last) < dtol: crit = 'DTOL' if rtol is not None: div = current # Prevent division by 0. if div == 0: if verbosity in ['LOW', 'HIGH', 'ALL']: print('WARNING: (rtol) objective function is equal to 0 !') if last != 0: div = last else: div = 1.0 # Result will be zero anyway. else: rtol_only_zeros = False relative = np.abs((current - last) / div) if relative < rtol and not rtol_only_zeros: crit = 'RTOL' if xtol is not None: err = np.linalg.norm(solver.sol - last_sol) err /= np.sqrt(last_sol.size) if err < xtol: crit = 'XTOL' if maxit is not None and niter >= maxit: crit = 'MAXIT' if verbosity in ['HIGH', 'ALL']: print(' objective = {:.2e}'.format(current)) # Restore verbosity for functions. In case they are called outside solve(). for k, f in enumerate(functions): f.verbosity = functions_verbosity[k] if verbosity in ['LOW', 'HIGH', 'ALL']: print('Solution found after {} iterations:'.format(niter)) print(' objective function f(sol) = {:e}'.format(current)) print(' stopping criterion: {}'.format(crit)) # Returned dictionary. result = {'sol': solver.sol, 'solver': solver.__class__.__name__, # algo for consistency ? 'crit': crit, 'niter': niter, 'time': time.time() - tstart, 'objective': objective} try: # Update dictionary for primal-dual solvers result['dual_sol'] = solver.dual_sol except AttributeError: pass # Solver specific post-processing (e.g. delete references). return result
[docs]class solver(object): r""" Defines the solver object interface. This class defines the interface of a solver object intended to be passed to the :func:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solve` solving function. It is intended to be a base class for standard solvers which will implement the required methods. It can also be instantiated by user code and dynamically modified for rapid testing. This class also defines the generic attributes of all solver objects. Parameters ---------- step : float The gradient-descent step-size. This parameter is bounded by 0 and :math:`\frac{2}{\beta}` where :math:`\beta` is the Lipschitz constant of the gradient of the smooth function (or a sum of smooth functions). Default is 1. accel : pyunlocbox.acceleration.accel User-defined object used to adaptively change the current step size and solution while the algorithm is running. Default is a dummy object that returns unchanged values. """ def __init__(self, step=1., accel=None): if step < 0: raise ValueError('Step should be a positive number.') self.step = step self.accel = acceleration.dummy() if accel is None else accel
[docs] def pre(self, functions, x0): """ Solver-specific pre-processing. See parameters documentation in :func:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solve` documentation. Notes ----- When preprocessing the functions, the solver should split them into two lists: * `self.smooth_funs`, for functions involved in gradient steps. * `self.non_smooth_funs`, for functions involved proximal steps. This way, any method that takes in the solver as argument, such as the methods in :class:`pyunlocbox.acceleration.accel`, can have some context as to how the solver is using the functions. """ self.sol = np.asarray(x0) self.smooth_funs = [] self.non_smooth_funs = [] self._pre(functions, self.sol) self.accel.pre(functions, self.sol)
def _pre(self, functions, x0): raise NotImplementedError("Class user should define this method.")
[docs] def algo(self, objective, niter): """ Call the solver iterative algorithm and the provided acceleration scheme. See parameters documentation in :func:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solve` Notes ----- The method :meth:`self.accel.update_sol` is called before :meth:`self._algo` because the acceleration schemes usually involves some sort of averaging of previous solutions, which can add some unwanted artifacts on the output solution. With this ordering, we guarantee that the output of solver.algo is not corrupted by the acceleration scheme. Similarly, the method :meth:`self.accel.update_step` is called after :meth:`self._algo` to allow the step update procedure to act directly on the solution output by the underlying algorithm, and not on the intermediate solution output by the acceleration scheme in :meth:`self.accel.update_sol`. """ self.sol[:] = self.accel.update_sol(self, objective, niter) self.step = self.accel.update_step(self, objective, niter) self._algo()
def _algo(self): raise NotImplementedError("Class user should define this method.")
[docs] def post(self): """ Solver-specific post-processing. Mainly used to delete references added during initialization so that the garbage collector can free the memory. See parameters documentation in :func:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solve`. """ self._post() del self.sol, self.smooth_funs, self.non_smooth_funs
def _post(self): raise NotImplementedError("Class user should define this method.")
[docs]class gradient_descent(solver): r""" Gradient descent algorithm. This algorithm solves optimization problems composed of the sum of any number of smooth functions. See generic attributes descriptions of the :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solver` base class. Notes ----- This algorithm requires each function implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.grad` method. See :class:`pyunlocbox.acceleration.regularized_nonlinear` for a very efficient acceleration scheme for this method. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import functions, solvers >>> dim = 25; >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> xstar = np.random.rand(dim) # True solution >>> x0 = np.random.rand(dim) >>> x0 = xstar + 5.*(x0 - xstar) / np.linalg.norm(x0 - xstar) >>> A = np.random.rand(dim, dim) >>> step = 1/np.linalg.norm(, A)) >>> f = functions.norm_l2(lambda_=0.5, A=A,, xstar)) >>> fd = functions.dummy() >>> solver = solvers.gradient_descent(step=step) >>> params = {'rtol':0, 'maxit':14000, 'verbosity':'NONE'} >>> ret = solvers.solve([f, fd], x0, solver, **params) >>> pctdiff = 100*np.sum((xstar - ret['sol'])**2)/np.sum(xstar**2) >>> print('Difference: {0:.1f}%'.format(pctdiff)) Difference: 1.3% """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(gradient_descent, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _pre(self, functions, x0): for f in functions: if 'GRAD' in f.cap(x0): self.smooth_funs.append(f) else: raise ValueError('Gradient descent requires each function to ' 'implement grad().') if self.verbosity is 'HIGH': print('INFO: Gradient descent minimizing {} smooth ' 'functions.'.format(len(self.smooth_funs))) def _algo(self): grad = np.zeros(self.sol.shape) for f in self.smooth_funs: grad += f.grad(self.sol) self.sol[:] -= self.step * grad def _post(self): pass
[docs]class forward_backward(solver): r""" Forward-backward proximal splitting algorithm. This algorithm solves convex optimization problems composed of the sum of a smooth and a non-smooth function. See generic attributes descriptions of the :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solver` base class. Parameters ---------- accel : :class:`pyunlocbox.acceleration.accel` Acceleration scheme to use. Default is :meth:`pyunlocbox.acceleration.fista`, which corresponds to the 'FISTA' solver. Passing :meth:`pyunlocbox.acceleration.dummy` instead results in the ISTA solver. Note that while FISTA is much more time-efficient, it is less memory-efficient. Notes ----- This algorithm requires one function to implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.prox` method and the other one to implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.grad` method. See :cite:`beck2009FISTA` for details about the algorithm. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import functions, solvers >>> y = [4, 5, 6, 7] >>> x0 = np.zeros(len(y)) >>> f1 = functions.norm_l2(y=y) >>> f2 = functions.dummy() >>> solver = solvers.forward_backward(step=0.5) >>> ret = solvers.solve([f1, f2], x0, solver, atol=1e-5) Solution found after 15 iterations: objective function f(sol) = 4.957288e-07 stopping criterion: ATOL >>> ret['sol'] array([ 4.0002509 , 5.00031362, 6.00037635, 7.00043907]) """ def __init__(self, accel=acceleration.fista(), **kwargs): super(forward_backward, self).__init__(accel=accel, **kwargs) def _pre(self, functions, x0): if self.verbosity is 'HIGH': print('INFO: Forward-backward method') if len(functions) != 2: raise ValueError('Forward-backward requires two convex functions.') if 'PROX' in functions[0].cap(x0) and 'GRAD' in functions[1].cap(x0): self.smooth_funs.append(functions[1]) self.non_smooth_funs.append(functions[0]) elif 'PROX' in functions[1].cap(x0) and 'GRAD' in functions[0].cap(x0): self.smooth_funs.append(functions[0]) self.non_smooth_funs.append(functions[1]) else: raise ValueError('Forward-backward requires a function to ' 'implement prox() and the other grad().') def _algo(self): # Forward step x = self.sol - self.step * self.smooth_funs[0].grad(self.sol) # Backward step self.sol[:] = self.non_smooth_funs[0].prox(x, self.step) def _post(self): pass
[docs]class generalized_forward_backward(solver): r""" Generalized forward-backward proximal splitting algorithm. This algorithm solves convex optimization problems composed of the sum of any number of non-smooth (or smooth) functions. See generic attributes descriptions of the :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solver` base class. Parameters ---------- lambda_ : float, optional A relaxation parameter bounded by 0 and 1. Default is 1. Notes ----- This algorithm requires each function to either implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.prox` method or the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.grad` method. See :cite:`raguet2013generalizedFB` for details about the algorithm. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import functions, solvers >>> y = [0.01, 0.2, 8, 0.3, 0 , 0.03, 7] >>> x0 = np.zeros(len(y)) >>> f1 = functions.norm_l2(y=y) >>> f2 = functions.norm_l1() >>> solver = solvers.generalized_forward_backward(lambda_=1, step=0.5) >>> ret = solvers.solve([f1, f2], x0, solver) Solution found after 2 iterations: objective function f(sol) = 1.463100e+01 stopping criterion: RTOL >>> ret['sol'] array([ 0. , 0. , 7.5, 0. , 0. , 0. , 6.5]) """ def __init__(self, lambda_=1, *args, **kwargs): super(generalized_forward_backward, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lambda_ = lambda_ def _pre(self, functions, x0): if self.lambda_ <= 0 or self.lambda_ > 1: raise ValueError('Lambda is bounded by 0 and 1.') self.z = [] for f in functions: if 'GRAD' in f.cap(x0): self.smooth_funs.append(f) elif 'PROX' in f.cap(x0): self.non_smooth_funs.append(f) self.z.append(np.array(x0, copy=True)) else: raise ValueError('Generalized forward-backward requires each ' 'function to implement prox() or grad().') if self.verbosity is 'HIGH': print('INFO: Generalized forward-backward minimizing {} smooth ' 'functions and {} non-smooth functions.'.format(len(self.f), len(self.g))) def _algo(self): # Smooth functions. grad = np.zeros(self.sol.shape) for f in self.smooth_funs: grad += f.grad(self.sol) # Non-smooth functions. if not self.non_smooth_funs: self.sol[:] -= self.step * grad # Reduces to gradient descent. else: sol = np.zeros(self.sol.shape) for i, g in enumerate(self.non_smooth_funs): tmp = 2 * self.sol - self.z[i] - self.step * grad tmp[:] = g.prox(tmp, self.step * len(self.non_smooth_funs)) self.z[i] += self.lambda_ * (tmp - self.sol) sol += 1. * self.z[i] / len(self.non_smooth_funs) self.sol[:] = sol def _post(self): del self.z
[docs]class douglas_rachford(solver): r""" Douglas-Rachford proximal splitting algorithm. This algorithm solves convex optimization problems composed of the sum of two non-smooth (or smooth) functions. See generic attributes descriptions of the :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solver` base class. Parameters ---------- lambda_ : float, optional The update term weight. It should be between 0 and 1. Default is 1. Notes ----- This algorithm requires the two functions to implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.prox` method. See :cite:`combettes2007DR` for details about the algorithm. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import functions, solvers >>> y = [4, 5, 6, 7] >>> x0 = np.zeros(len(y)) >>> f1 = functions.norm_l2(y=y) >>> f2 = functions.dummy() >>> solver = solvers.douglas_rachford(lambda_=1, step=1) >>> ret = solvers.solve([f1, f2], x0, solver, atol=1e-5) Solution found after 8 iterations: objective function f(sol) = 2.927052e-06 stopping criterion: ATOL >>> ret['sol'] array([ 3.99939034, 4.99923792, 5.99908551, 6.99893309]) """ def __init__(self, lambda_=1, *args, **kwargs): super(douglas_rachford, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lambda_ = lambda_ def _pre(self, functions, x0): if self.lambda_ <= 0 or self.lambda_ > 1: raise ValueError('Lambda is bounded by 0 and 1.') if len(functions) != 2: raise ValueError('Douglas-Rachford requires two convex functions.') for f in functions: if 'PROX' in f.cap(x0): self.non_smooth_funs.append(f) else: raise ValueError('Douglas-Rachford requires each ' 'function to implement prox().') self.z = np.array(x0, copy=True) def _algo(self): tmp = self.non_smooth_funs[0].prox(2 * self.sol - self.z, self.step) self.z[:] = self.z + self.lambda_ * (tmp - self.sol) self.sol[:] = self.non_smooth_funs[1].prox(self.z, self.step) def _post(self): del self.z
[docs]class primal_dual(solver): r""" Parent class of all primal-dual algorithms. See generic attributes descriptions of the :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solver` base class. Parameters ---------- L : function or ndarray, optional The transformation L that maps from the primal variable space to the dual variable space. Default is the identity, :math:`L(x)=x`. If `L` is an ``ndarray``, it will be converted to the operator form. Lt : function or ndarray, optional The adjoint operator. If `Lt` is an ``ndarray``, it will be converted to the operator form. If `L` is an ``ndarray``, default is the transpose of `L`. If `L` is a function, default is `L`, :math:`Lt(x)=L(x)`. d0: ndarray, optional Initialization of the dual variable. """ def __init__(self, L=None, Lt=None, d0=None, *args, **kwargs): super(primal_dual, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if L is None: self.L = lambda x: x else: if callable(L): self.L = L else: # Transform matrix form to operator form. self.L = lambda x: if Lt is None: if L is None: self.Lt = lambda x: x elif callable(L): self.Lt = L else: self.Lt = lambda x: else: if callable(Lt): self.Lt = Lt else: self.Lt = lambda x: self.d0 = d0 def _pre(self, functions, x0): # Dual variable. if self.d0 is None: self.dual_sol = self.L(x0) else: self.dual_sol = self.d0 def _post(self): self.d0 = None del self.dual_sol
[docs]class mlfbf(primal_dual): r""" Monotone+Lipschitz Forward-Backward-Forward primal-dual algorithm. This algorithm solves convex optimization problems with objective of the form :math:`f(x) + g(Lx) + h(x)`, where :math:`f` and :math:`g` are proper, convex, lower-semicontinuous functions with easy-to-compute proximity operators, and :math:`h` has Lipschitz-continuous gradient with constant :math:`\beta`. See generic attributes descriptions of the :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.primal_dual` base class. Notes ----- The order of the functions matters: set :math:`f` first on the list, :math:`g` second, and :math:`h` third. This algorithm requires the first two functions to implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.prox` method, and the third function to implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.grad` method. The step-size should be in the interval :math:`\left] 0, \frac{1}{\beta + \|L\|_{2}}\right[`. See :cite:`komodakis2015primaldual`, Algorithm 6, for details. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import functions, solvers >>> y = np.array([294, 390, 361]) >>> L = np.array([[5, 9, 3], [7, 8, 5], [4, 4, 9], [0, 1, 7]]) >>> x0 = np.zeros(len(y)) >>> f = functions.dummy() >>> f._prox = lambda x, T: np.maximum(np.zeros(len(x)), x) >>> g = functions.norm_l2(lambda_=0.5) >>> h = functions.norm_l2(y=y, lambda_=0.5) >>> max_step = 1/(1 + np.linalg.norm(L, 2)) >>> solver = solvers.mlfbf(L=L, step=max_step/2.) >>> ret = solvers.solve([f, g, h], x0, solver, maxit=1000, rtol=0) Solution found after 1000 iterations: objective function f(sol) = 1.833865e+05 stopping criterion: MAXIT >>> ret['sol'] array([ 1., 1., 1.]) """ def _pre(self, functions, x0): super(mlfbf, self)._pre(functions, x0) if len(functions) != 3: raise ValueError('MLFBF requires 3 convex functions.') self.non_smooth_funs.append(functions[0]) # f self.non_smooth_funs.append(functions[1]) # g self.smooth_funs.append(functions[2]) # h def _algo(self): # Forward steps (in both primal and dual spaces) y1 = self.sol - self.step * (self.smooth_funs[0].grad(self.sol) + self.Lt(self.dual_sol)) y2 = self.dual_sol + self.step * self.L(self.sol) # Backward steps (in both primal and dual spaces) p1 = self.non_smooth_funs[0].prox(y1, self.step) p2 = _prox_star(self.non_smooth_funs[1], y2, self.step) # Forward steps (in both primal and dual spaces) q1 = p1 - self.step * (self.smooth_funs[0].grad(p1) + self.Lt(p2)) q2 = p2 + self.step * self.L(p1) # Update solution (in both primal and dual spaces) self.sol[:] = self.sol - y1 + q1 self.dual_sol[:] = self.dual_sol - y2 + q2
[docs]class projection_based(primal_dual): r""" Projection-based primal-dual algorithm. This algorithm solves convex optimization problems with objective of the form :math:`f(x) + g(Lx)`, where :math:`f` and :math:`g` are proper, convex, lower-semicontinuous functions with easy-to-compute proximity operators. See generic attributes descriptions of the :class:`pyunlocbox.solvers.primal_dual` base class. Parameters ---------- lambda_ : float, optional The update term weight. It should be between 0 and 2. Default is 1. Notes ----- The order of the functions matters: set :math:`f` first on the list, and :math:`g` second. This algorithm requires the two functions to implement the :meth:`pyunlocbox.functions.func.prox` method. The step-size should be in the interval :math:`\left] 0, \infty \right[`. See :cite:`komodakis2015primaldual`, Algorithm 7, for details. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import functions, solvers >>> y = np.array([294, 390, 361]) >>> L = np.array([[5, 9, 3], [7, 8, 5], [4, 4, 9], [0, 1, 7]]) >>> x0 = np.array([500, 1000, -400]) >>> f = functions.norm_l1(y=y) >>> g = functions.norm_l1() >>> solver = solvers.projection_based(L=L, step=1.) >>> ret = solvers.solve([f, g], x0, solver, maxit=1000, rtol=None, xtol=.1) Solution found after 996 iterations: objective function f(sol) = 1.045000e+03 stopping criterion: XTOL >>> ret['sol'] array([0, 0, 0]) """ def __init__(self, lambda_=1., *args, **kwargs): super(projection_based, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lambda_ = lambda_ def _pre(self, functions, x0): super(projection_based, self)._pre(functions, x0) if self.lambda_ <= 0 or self.lambda_ > 2: raise ValueError('Lambda is bounded by 0 and 2.') if len(functions) != 2: raise ValueError('projection_based requires 2 convex functions.') self.non_smooth_funs.append(functions[0]) # f self.non_smooth_funs.append(functions[1]) # g def _algo(self): a = self.non_smooth_funs[0].prox(self.sol - self.step * self.Lt(self.dual_sol), self.step) ell = self.L(self.sol) b = self.non_smooth_funs[1].prox(ell + self.step * self.dual_sol, self.step) s = (self.sol - a) / self.step + self.Lt(ell - b) / self.step t = b - self.L(a) tau = np.sum(s**2) + np.sum(t**2) if tau == 0: self.sol[:] = a self.dual_sol[:] = self.dual_sol + (ell - b) / self.step else: theta = self.lambda_ * (np.sum((self.sol - a)**2) / self.step + np.sum((ell - b)**2) / self.step) / tau self.sol[:] = self.sol - theta * s self.dual_sol[:] = self.dual_sol - theta * t