Source code for pyunlocbox.operators

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The :mod:`pyunlocbox.operators` module implements the following operators:

.. autosummary::



import numpy as np

[docs]def grad(x, dim=2, **kwargs): r""" Returns the gradient of an array. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimension of the grad wx : int wy : int wz : int wt : int Weights to apply on each axis Returns ------- dx, dy, dz, dt : ndarrays Gradients following each axes, only the necessary ones are returned Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import operators >>> x = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4) >>> dx, dy = operators.grad(x) """ WEIGHT_KEYS = ("wx", "wy", "wz", "wt") diffs = [] for axis in range(dim): zeros_shape = list(x.shape) zeros_shape[axis] = 1 diff = np.concatenate((np.diff(x, axis=axis), np.zeros(zeros_shape)), axis=axis) try: diff *= kwargs[WEIGHT_KEYS[axis]] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass diffs.append(diff) if dim == 1: return diffs[0] else: return diffs
[docs]def div(*args, **kwargs): r""" Returns the divergence of an array. Parameters ---------- dx : array_like dy : array_like dz : array_like dt : array_like Arrays to operate on Returns ------- x : array_like Divergence vector Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pyunlocbox import operators >>> x = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4) >>> dx, dy = operators.grad(x) >>> divx = operators.div(dx, dy) """ if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("Need to input at least one value") if len(args) >= 1: dx = args[0] try: dx *= np.conjugate(kwargs["wx"]) except KeyError: pass x = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(dx[0, ], axis=0), dx[1:-1, ] - dx[:-2, ], -np.expand_dims(dx[-2, ], axis=0)), axis=0) if len(args) >= 2: dy = args[1] try: dy *= np.conjugate(kwargs["wy"]) except KeyError: pass x += np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(dy[:, 0, ], axis=1), dy[:, 1:-1, ] - dy[:, :-2, ], -np.expand_dims(dy[:, -2, ], axis=1)), axis=1) if len(args) >= 3: dz = args[2] try: dz *= np.conjugate(kwargs["wz"]) except KeyError: pass x += np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(dz[:, :, 0, ], axis=2), dz[:, :, 1:-1, ] - dz[:, :, :-2, ], -np.expand_dims(dz[:, :, -2, ], axis=2)), axis=2) if len(args) >= 4: dt = args[3] try: dt *= np.conjugate(kwargs["wt"]) except KeyError: pass x += np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(dt[:, :, :, 0, ], axis=3), dt[:, :, :, 1:-1, ] - dt[:, :, :, :-2, ], -np.expand_dims(dt[:, :, :, -2, ], axis=3)), axis=3) return x